On Netflix, there is a miniseries titled Outlaws. I started watching it because Christopher Walken is in it and I’ve had...
On Netflix, there is a miniseries titled Outlaws. I started watching it because Christopher Walken is in it and I’ve had...
If you’ve been following along, first of all, thank you, secondly, you know that I have a pacemaker and I...
Every New Year’s Day, I take down my wall calendar and transfer its dates of importance to a new one. ...
The other night, I looked out the window of my office and noticed the beautiful sliver of a moon in...
Groovy Gail is a Mid Western woman with a strong desire to write about her experiences and thoughts about relationships and the lies we choose to live with. Her passion for all things Mid Century Modern may have impacted her ideas about what a relationship should be like, but life’s experiences beg to differ.
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