Concerted Effort
My son likes to watch all these “homesteading” YouTube channels, folks living off their land by raising animals and farming. ...
My son likes to watch all these “homesteading” YouTube channels, folks living off their land by raising animals and farming. ...
Nine days ago, while looking for something completely different, I found my dad’s list of winning poker hands. While growing...
Funny thing, as I was typing the title to this blog, I first wrote My Lie instead of My Life. ...
So many sights, sounds, tastes, and touches evoke memories for me. Looking at images of my beautiful children, hearing cars...
It has been said, that it takes half the amount of time that one was in a relationship to move...
One look at me and it isn’t a challenge to believe that I love food! I love it so much;...
I can’t remember a time in my life when I wasn’t a James Bond fan. I was born and raised...
My brother became a mythical figure to me when he left for the Air Force. He was my hero, I...
Today, my youngest purchased a newer car, begins a new job on Monday that will pay enough to support himself...
When I work the closing shift, I live my day in reverse. What would normally be evening chores, become morning...
Groovy Gail is a Mid Western woman with a strong desire to write about her experiences and thoughts about relationships and the lies we choose to live with. Her passion for all things Mid Century Modern may have impacted her ideas about what a relationship should be like, but life’s experiences beg to differ.
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