If Memory Serves Me…
Have you ever experienced a moment, when you were absolutely certain of a memory, of exactly how something occurred, but...
Have you ever experienced a moment, when you were absolutely certain of a memory, of exactly how something occurred, but...
‘Tis the season to determine one’s status, naughty or nice. I choose to be nice. I tried naughty, had some...
It’s been 6 weeks, that I am working at my new store. I travel approximately 50 miles each work day. ...
There is a woman that I have been friends with since high school. Like myself, she is of Polish descent,...
I can’t remember a time in my life when I wasn’t a James Bond fan. I was born and raised...
My brother became a mythical figure to me when he left for the Air Force. He was my hero, I...
Sometimes, doing the right thing can be exhausting. Even though it is my bedtime, I finally feel like I’m ready...
On Netflix, there is a miniseries titled Outlaws. I started watching it because Christopher Walken is in it and I’ve had...
Every New Year’s Day, I take down my wall calendar and transfer its dates of importance to a new one. ...
This past week, I celebrated my birthday. It’s been a week of overindulging, but one indulgence stands miles above the...
Groovy Gail is a Mid Western woman with a strong desire to write about her experiences and thoughts about relationships and the lies we choose to live with. Her passion for all things Mid Century Modern may have impacted her ideas about what a relationship should be like, but life’s experiences beg to differ.
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