Today’s rabbit hole journey, began when I was looking through my mother’s hope chest, the cedar chest that has the...
Today’s rabbit hole journey, began when I was looking through my mother’s hope chest, the cedar chest that has the...
When I was a kid, I remember New Year’s Eve being a big deal to me. I got to stay...
What is the Universe is Trying to Tell Me? The best laid plans… I had an accident five months ago;...
Nine days ago, while looking for something completely different, I found my dad’s list of winning poker hands. While growing...
In the grand scheme of things, 16 inches is not a lot. It’s the approximate width of the laptop I’m...
August in Chicago, it is expected to be hot, but since most of the summer has been so mild, I...
So many sights, sounds, tastes, and touches evoke memories for me. Looking at images of my beautiful children, hearing cars...
I recently visited the home of my former Life Coach, which is someone who counsels and encourages clients through personal...
Approximately 60 years ago, my Bohemian neighbors planted the Lily of the Valley that still visit me in the Spring. ...
It has been said, that it takes half the amount of time that one was in a relationship to move...
Groovy Gail is a Mid Western woman with a strong desire to write about her experiences and thoughts about relationships and the lies we choose to live with. Her passion for all things Mid Century Modern may have impacted her ideas about what a relationship should be like, but life’s experiences beg to differ.
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